Description pT-diagrams seals
The many and varied demands made on gaskets.
The successful operation of a gasket depends upon a multiplicity of factors. Many who use static gaskets believe that the values quoted for maximum admissible temperature and maximum operating pressure are inherent properties or characteristics of gaskets and gasket materials. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The maximum temperatures and pressures at which gaskets may be used are influenced by a large number of factors. Therefore a definite statement of these values for gasket material is not possible.
So why does Klinger provide pT diagrams?

For the reasons given the pT diagram is not infallible: it serves as a rough guide for the end user who often has only the operating temperatures and pressures to go on. Additional stresses such as greatly fluctuating load may significantly affect whether a gasket is suitable for the application. Resistance to media must be taken into account in every case.
The fields of decision

- If your operating temperatures and pressures fall within this field, a technical examination is normally unnesessary.
- If your operating temperatures and pressures are within this field, a technical examination is recommended.
- If your operating temperatures and pressures are within this "open" field, a technical examination is always necessary.